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Tag: pyinstaller

Exe generated by PyInstaller fails quietly on a different machine

I’m having trouble getting an exe generated by PyInstaller on one PC (PC-Good) working on another (PC-Bad). The exe is created on PC-Good, and executes as expected on PC-Good Both PCs are running Windows 10 Issue occurs on PC-Bad upon calling most of the matplotlib.pyplot methods (such as subplots() or plot()) Issue persists even when matplotlib is in non-interactive mode

How do I include this file with pyinstaller?

I have this file certify.command but I have no idea how to include it in pyinstaller -Fw –icon=AppIcon.icns I want my app to run on my other macs and to use my app I need to run the Install Certificates.command file so my app can access HTTPS. I don’t want to install python on my other macs to run

bug in installing pyinstaller

So I tried the pip install pyinstaller command and thats what happened: So I had this bug: Does anyone know how I can solve it?? Answer The error says: Try installing wheel first. mostly the error describes itself. try going through them carefully, it will save you lot of debugging time. Run this command: Let me know if the error

Licenses for dependencies with Pyinstaller

I have an application I have written in Python, that is being packaged with Pyinstaller. From what I understand (and I am not a lawyer) and from the Pyinstaller FAQ bundling the source code and distributing with my own license seems like it is OK (points 1 and 2). I have no intention of modifying the Pyinstaller source in anyway,

Why won’t Tkinter executable capture key combinations?

I’m building an tkinter app on Python 3.7 and creating an .exe with Pyinstaller 3.5 in Windoows 10. When running the code from the IDE, all intended keyboard commands work as expected. However, in the executable, key combinations do not work while single key presses are fine. Here is some test code that demonstrates the problem: Pyinstaller is then invoked

Converting PDF to Image without non-python dependencies

I want to create an exe that can be deployed onto other computers. The program needs to be able to read pdf’s and turn them into images, but I don’t want other users to have to download dependencies. My understanding is that py2image and wand both require external dependencies that, if you convert to a exe, other users would also

exe file not found while compiled with pyinstaller

I want to execute an exe file from a python file that is compiled using pyinstaller I’m using the following code: And I compile it using: Which creates incluse.exe and If I execute it I get the following error: What I want it to do is execute the executable.exe that I included, which should come up with a message box.
