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Tag: plotly-dash

Updating boxplot when choosing rows

I need to allow users to choose particular rows in a data frame and generate a boxplot. My implementation does not allow me to update a boxplot when I choose rows. Can somebody please point out what I do wrong? I am interested in only one column which is [‘Phase’]. Here is my implementation. Answer I am inexperienced with Dash,

Dash bootstrap how to split the app layout

I am having some trouble to achieve the layout in the image below. What is left is for me is to add those 3 graphs that I included in blue. So far, I have included everything in 1 row using up all 12 columns: Col 1: with dropdowns and checklists → width=2 Col 2 → 12: all those cards/boxes on

Plotly Dash ZMQError: Address already in use

I am testing Plotly Dash as a possible dashboarding tool. I am trying to run one of the charts found in the documentation: When I run this I get an error. Here is the end of the trace callback: As you can see from my example, I have already tried altering the port to avoid this error. I have

What version of dash is needed for core components to work?

I made the mistake of updating a package near the end of a project that utilized the dash core components (to get a feature to work). The project has stopped working. According to this site it states it is dependent on dash, but fails to work with the latest version of dash if I understand correctly. Is there an easy

Python Dash – how to pass parameters in @app.callback

I am trying to create a Dash example that could make use of live updates by using the documentation here: In the code there is a key part which allows the back to know what the input and output is: This works well for one component, however if say I have five different data sets to update (all
