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Tag: pipe

Pipe raw OpenCV images to FFmpeg

Here’s a fairly straightforward example of reading off a web cam using OpenCV’s python bindings: Now I want to pipe the output to ffmpeg as in: $ python | ffmpeg -f image2pipe -pix_fmt bgr8 -i – -s 640×480 foo.avi Sadly, I can’t get the ffmpeg magic incantation quite right and it fails with libavutil 50.15. 1 / 50.15. 1

real time subprocess.Popen via stdout and PIPE

I am trying to grab stdout from a subprocess.Popen call and although I am achieving this easily by doing: I would like to grab stdout in “real time”. With the above method, PIPE is waiting to grab all the stdout and then it returns. So for logging purposes, this doesn’t meet my requirements (e.g. “see” what is going on while
