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Tag: pip

bug in installing pyinstaller

So I tried the pip install pyinstaller command and thats what happened: So I had this bug: Does anyone know how I can solve it?? Answer The error says: Try installing wheel first. mostly the error describes itself. try going through them carefully, it will save you lot of debugging time. Run this command: Let me know if the error

Spacy Installation error in python, with pip command

Thanks for looking into this, I was trying to install spacy with python 3.8 ( I tried it with 3.7.9 interpreter too ) But apparently It has been giving me following errors. Command used pip install spacy can you please suggest me possible fixes ? Answer There may be a problem with your pip cache and/or your pip version: Try

Errors in installing keras using pip?

I am trying to install Keras library using pip in windows 10. I have all the requirements installed, python>=3.8, pip>=20.0.0, NumPy, pandas, matplotlib, virtualenv. But I’m getting the following error. I thought this error was caused due to improper installation of h5py & hdf5. I tried installing them using pip install h5py but then I encountered the following error: Please

Could not install packages due to a EnvironmentError Pip

I am installing Flask using the pip install flask command. Can somebody help me? When installing a package I get these errors and warnings: Answer It seems that you have a slow connection to the server. Try increasing the timeout: and then do the pip install. You can also try: Or if you’re trying to install on a corporate network

Python, Error while installing matplotlib

OS: Windows 10 Python ver: 3.9.0 Error code: I tried: didn’t work. and then I tried: didn’t solve the problem. I read on SO that maybe if I open the shell in administrator mode it could solve the problem but it didn’t work too. I saw someone mentioning ez-setup for this error code. I installed it but that didn’t work

Creating requirements.txt in pip compatible format in a conda virtual environment

I have created a conda virtual environment on a Windows 10 PC to work on a project. To install the required packages and dependencies, I am using conda install <package> instead of pip install <package> as per the best practices mentioned in In order to distribute my software, I choose to create an environment.yml and a requirements.txt file targeting

Unable to import module ‘lambda_function’: No module named *

I am trying to run a python lambda function that uses additional packages. However whenever I upload the .zip file to the lambda console I get the error: I followed these instructions: which told me to make sure my packages were in a directory local to my lambda function: I am not using Pillow. This is sample code from

How can I install pip for Python2.7 in Ubuntu 20.04

Is there any way that I can install “pip” for “Python2.7” ? I could install python2.7 by I tried installing pip for this. but none worked. Can anybody have solution for this. Answer Pip for Python 2 is not included in the Ubuntu 20.04 repositories. Try this guide which suggests to fetch a Python 2.7 compatible and use that
