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Tag: pip

How to include pip packages in an rpm build

I want to include a Python package dependency (installed using pip3 install) in an rpm package. I cannot install using dnf because its version is out of date. rpm returns the following error if I install the dependency using pip3 install: Any suggestions on how to include a Python package inside of an rpm? Answer OK. Some of your package

How to cache pip packages within Azure Pipelines

Although this source provides a lot of information on caching within Azure pipelines, it is not clear how to cache Python pip packages for a Python project. How to proceed if one is willing to cache Pip packages on an Azure pipelines build? According to this, it may be so that pip cache will be enabled by default in the

Pip for Python 3.8

How do I install Pip for Python 3.8 ? I made 3.8 my default Python version. gives unable to locate package python3.8-pip and running gives no module named pip I can’t run sudo apt install python3-pip because it installs pip for Python 3.6 Answer Install pip the official way: made 3.8 my default Python version It depends on how you

“Pillow was built without XCB support”

I’m working on a program that uses ImageGrab in Pillow. I am getting the error mentioned in the title. I notice in the documentation that it says the generic pip install Pillow doesn’t come with libxcb. I tried installing libxcb with pip install libxcb, but it apparently doesn’t exist as that. I tried looking around on Google for it, but

No module named ‘folium’ after installing via pip

Basically after I have already installed folium with pip (pip install folium) previously the code worked, but suddenly I got this error. Here is my code: Answer 2 possibilities come to my mind: the first one, cited by Paul, is that you installed it with pip (for Python 2) and you try using it with Python 3 (so you need

What is the difference between tf-nightly and tensorflow in PyPI?

What is the difference between tf-nightly and tensorflow in PyPI? Which one is reliable? Answer Just to add to what Ben Souchet wrote: As its name suggests, the tf-nightly pip package is built and released to PyPI every night (barring any build failures, which happens rarely). As a result, you can see an almost once-per-day version update history.
