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Tag: pandas

How to automatically annotate maximum value in pyplot

I’m trying to figure out how I can automatically annotate the maximum value in a figure window. I know you can do this by manually entering in x,y coordinates to annotate whatever point you want using the .annotate() method, but I want the annotation to be automatic, or to find the maximum point by itself. Here’s my code so far:

How to drop column according to NAN percentage for dataframe?

For certain columns of df, if 80% of the column is NAN. What’s the simplest code to drop such columns? Answer You can use isnull with mean for threshold and then remove columns by boolean indexing with loc (because remove columns), also need invert condition – so <.8 means remove all columns >=0.8: Sample: If want remove columns by minimal

Converting a iterable of ordered dict’s to pandas dataframe

I am iterating over OrderedDict’s and want to store them as pandas dataframe. Is there a commend to do that? Currently, the code is: One row in res looks like this: OrderedDict([(‘field_id’, 1), (‘date’,, 1, 3)), (‘temp’, 30.08), (‘norm_temperature’, None), (‘prcp’, 12.8848107785339), (‘abcd’, 0.0), (‘efgh’, None), (‘ijkl’, 1.38), (‘lmno’, None), (‘poq’, None)]) I get this error: *** TypeError: data

Pandas: Pivot a DataFrame, columns to rows

I have a DataFrame defined like this: The DataFrame is now this: I want to pivot the DataFrame so that it then looks like this: I think I want to do this via pivoting, but I’ve not yet worked out how to do this using the pivot() or pivot_table()functions. How can I do this, with or without using a pivot?

ValueError: The number of classes has to be greater than one; got 1

I am trying to write an SVM following this tutorial but using my own data. I keep getting this error: My code is: My array for features which is used for X looks like this: My array for labels used in Y looks like this: I have only used 5 sets of data so far because I knew the
