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Tag: output

Print output for data list python

I am trying to print an output but I just can’t figure out method. and I am trying to get an output like this: output I don’t really understand array and I have tried a few methods but failed to output it as the image shows. If possible, I would need some explanation too because I want to learn rather

Different lines of input and output in Python

I’m currently trying to solve the max value problem. However, I’m now having a hard time getting many outputs at the same time. I try to use input().splitlines() to do it, but I only get one output. The test case and output need to have many lines just as the box’s examples. If anyone can provide me with some assistance,

How to merge all of the output lists into one list [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 12 months ago. Improve this question I was trying the following code snippet for a project of mine: I

How to set vertical the ouput in python?

I would like to create an output in `.txt format in python. The problem is that the results are showing horizontally. How can I set my values vertically? for example my output has the format: I have tried: and But it is no use. My results are showing horizontally, and not vertically (with a column format I mean) Answer Writing

Python Return Command In Recursion Function

While learning Python and browsing the internet I stumble upon a piece of code in I tried to run it using their built-in site Python IDLE and using my own Python 3.9.0 Shell. What I got is two different outputs. I want to know which output is the correct output and why is it providing two different outputs. The

How to add a console to a tkinter window

I want a way to add a console to a tkinter window or redirect the output of the eval or exec functions to the maybe a uneditable text widget in tkinter. Also I want it so the code does not have to be saved first to get executed, I want it to be executed nevertheless. I have already viewed a
