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Tag: openpyxl

Issue with writing CSV in Python

I am reading and XLSX file. and looping over the rows and colums to remove all the clutter from the excel. When I print full_data_row it prints the string with , so that is correct. When i check my csv file. I get this as an ouput: header1,header2,header3 O,p,z,e,t, ,h,o,s,t,e,d, Answer csvwriter.writerow() expects an iterable (e.g. a list), and will

Ignore UserWarning from openpyxl using pandas

I have tons of .xlsm files that I have to load. Each Excel file has 6 sheets. Because of that, I’m opening each Excel file like this, using pandas: After each iteration I am passing the df to other function and do some stuff with it. I am using pd.ExcelFile to load the file into memory just once and then

Openpyxl – Remove formatting from all sheets in an Excel file

I have files with a lot of weird formatting and I’m trying to create a function that removes any formatting from an xlsx file. Some guys in here suggested to use “cell.fill = PatternFill(fill_type=None)” to clear any format from a given cell. But this won’t change anything. If the cells are empty but colored, then openpyxl still sees them as
