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Tag: numpy

Numpy matrix creation timing oddity

My application requires a starting matrix where each column is staggered-by-1 from the previous. It will contain millions of complex numbers representing a signal, but a small example is: I tried two creation methods, one fast, one slow. I don’t understand why the fast matrix creation method causes subsequent calculations to run slowly, while the slow matrix creation results in

Assigning keys and storing in a dictionary Python

For an event of rolling a six-sided die. I need to randomly simulate the event 1000 times and plot a histogram of results for each number on the dice. I want to assign the results for each number to a key of the same value (1 for number of 1s{1:164…}). I need help assigning keys and storing everyting in a

ndpointer in ctypes structure field

I cannot figure out how to use numpy.ndpointer as a field in a python ctypes structure. Here is some basic code, showing how I can do this without using ndpointer, but I would like to know if it’s possible to use ndpointer as well if it’s possible! Using the above code this works fine But when I call this, I

String modification and sampling change

i have this table: ID points values (x1;y1|x2;y2|x3;y3|x4;y4……….) 1 8 0,5;1|1;1,5|4;6|5;7|6;9|8;10|10;12|15;18 2 4 20;30|21;32|22;36|25;37 3 306 1;2|3;6|7;9|10;17|11;18|13;22|14;25|19;26|.. the points determine the number of points. It means for example – 306 (306 x points and 306 y points) My overall goal is to change the sampling density (the start and end points remain) – when i have 8 points, i want

Compare two arrays and print out Index of row in python

I have two arrays A and B I want to compare a couple of the elements of A[:,2:4] with couple elements of B[:,2:4] and print out the rows where they are equal or approximate? Here is my approach just for only A[:,3] How can I do it with both A[:,2] and A[:,3] ? Many thanks Answer I think you are
