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Tag: numpy

Calculate delta in dictionary of dictionary

I have a dictionary of dictionaries which hold list of tuples like this: I would like to calculate the delta of the third items (which their first two items are identical) in each tuple inside of the dictionaries, between each week (e.g., week1 and week2,.. week19 and week20)and put them as new dictionaries in the main dictionary. So my desired

add random elemnt from list to existing dataframe string

I have a dataframe. df[‘Skill’]=python, sql, java. Now for each string I want to add random element (high, low, medium). For Eg: df[‘Skill’]=python:high, sql:low, java:medium. I have tried one code but it adds score[‘low’, ‘high’, ‘medium’] at the end of the string. Can someone please suggest how can i do it. Output: But i want is python: low, java: high,

Remove and add values to ​numpy array

Is there a more efficient way to remove the 0 from the beginning and insert the 20 at the end and retain the shape (1, 20)? Output: Answer You can just select a subset of the current array excluding the first element and then add 20 or whatever scalar you want at the end.

Enhancing my code that calculates Slope Sign Change (SSC)

I am trying to code this Slope Sign Change (SSC) formula: My attempt below seems to be missing something since it generates -2 instead of 1. I am really stuck in this. Your help is highly appreciated. Answer You can compute the temporal difference with np.diff as you did: x_{n} – x_{n-1} with np.diff(x, prepend=1)[1:-1] or with slicing: x[1:-1] –
