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Tag: module

Can’t install own custom modules in Odoo 13

During the last two days I have been trying to install a custom module in Odoo 13. I got the same error over and over again, telling that a column didn’t exist in the model that I was creating (the variable in the class did, indeed, exist), I show the error down below. The python code of the module is

Unresolved imports in VSCode Python

While programming in VSCode, Python I imported a module named Selenium. However, VS Code is Showing me an error, saying unresolved import selenium. I had installed selenium yesterday only using the pip command. Please do help me out Answer It is recommended that you use the command “python –version”(or python3 –version) in the VS Code terminal to check whether the

PyPI personal module cannot be imported by other users or myself?

I am currently working on a rather simply Python module and I’ve been trying to publish it on PyPI all day. This is my first time doing it. I’ve succesfully built it using python3 sdist bdist_wheel then done python3 -m twine upload –repository testpypi dist/* and twine upload dist/* and it is successfully uploaded as seen here. However, when

Running functions siultaneoulsy in python

I am making a small program in which I need a few functions to check for something in the background. I used module threading and all those functions indeed run simultaneously and everything works perfectly until I start adding more functions. As the threading module makes new threads, they all stay within the same process, so when I add more,

How do I make a list of imported classes in Python?

Is there a way to avoid having to call foo(x)for each imported object? Some context: a, b, c are webpage classes and foo is a route() function that creates a route for each webpage. Update: There will be a growing list of imported classes in the main module as the application grows. I mentioned a, b, and c simply as
