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Tag: latex

Python Latex Library

I often work with groups of materials and my file/materials are named as alphanumeric strings. Is there a library to turn a string like r”Mxene – Ti3C2″ to latex styled r”Mxene – Ti$_mathrm{3}$C$_mathrm{2}$”? I usually use a dictionary but going through every name is a hassle and prone to error because materials can always be added or removed from the

Pandas Styler.to_latex() – how to pass commands and do simple editing

How do I pass the following commands into the latex environment? centering (I need landscape tables to be centered) and caption* (I need to skip for a panel the table numbering) In addition, I would need to add parentheses and asterisks to the t-statistics, meaning row-specific formatting on the dataframes. For example: Current variable value const 2.439628 t stat 13.921319

‘pdflatex’ not found in subprocess within a bundled PyInstaller APP

I am attempting to create a macOS standalone app from a PyQt5 GUI using PyInstaller. All works apart from automatically generating a PDF from a TEX file using the pdflatex module (in conjunction with Pylatex). Both the pylatex and pdflatex modules require calling the subprocess module, which is done as following: Where args=[‘pdflatex’, ‘-output-directory=/Users/Desktop’, ‘-interaction-mode=batchmode’, ‘-jobname=test’] This however does not

Save plotly figure interactively (html) whilst preserving LaTeX font

I created a plotly figure using python and I am aware that one can save the interactive figure in html format by using: fig.write_html(“name_of_figure.html”) For the axis labels, as well as the title of the figure, I used LaTeX fonts like this: fig.update_layout(title=r’$text{Some title}_2$’) When I render it in my browser directly the LaTeX fonts are displayed correctly. However, when

Is it possible to export 3D charts from MatPlotLib to TikZ?

I am trying to export a 3D diagram from Matplotlib to TikZ, using import tikzplotlib. This is the code executed in Jupyter NoteBook: The resulting papon.tex file shows the following when compiled: Missing any configuration or code modification? Or, simply, is it not possible to correctly export a 3D chart -with these characteristics- to TikZ? Answer The answer is yes

Display an astropy Quantity within a LaTeX string

I’m looking for a way to render astropy variables inside LaTeX strings within an IPython notebook. For example, given a simple premise, the speed of light is beautifully rendered by default as: by simply typing it in the ipython prompt. Now, what if I would like to embed this in a string? How to hop on the same rendering train
