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Tag: jupyter

What is Right extension for Plotly in JupyterLab?

Plotly is not working in Jupyterlab. I assume that there is a conflict in required extensions but I’m not sure. On checking troubleshooting on Plotly , they advise to remove extensions and install them again. But I found that there is additional extension that came with Jupyterlab update called ‘jupyterlab-plotly-extension’ which is not mentioned by Plotly in their instructions

How to create sparkmagic session automatically (without having to manually interact with widget user-interface)?

I am using sparkmagic to connect Jupyter notebooks to a remote spark cluster via Livy. The way it is now, I need to execute a notebook cell to bring up the %manage_spark user-interface widget, and manually select the language and click “create-session” in order to establish the spark context for the notebook. Is there a way to automatically generate the

Running Jupyter Notebook from cmd raises ModuleNotFoundError: No module named pysqlite2

The problem: After reinstalling Anaconda I can no longer navigate to a folder using the command window where I’ve got some .pynb files, type jupyter notebook and get things up and running. I’m getting these errors: C:scriptsnotebooks>jupyter notebook Traceback (most recent call last): File “”, line 10, in import sqlite3 File “”, line 23, in from sqlite3.dbapi2 import * File

Anaconda-Jupyter Doesn’t open in browser

I installed Anaconda 3.7 on UbuntuĀ 18.04 (Bionic Beaver). Installation was successful. When I tried to start Jupyter Notebook from navigator it throws the following error. Access to the file was denied The file at file:///run/user/1000/jupyter/nbserver-26395-open.html is not readable. It may have been removed, moved or file permissions may be preventing access. Answer I think you have changed your default browser
