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Tag: jupyter-notebook

Display an astropy Quantity within a LaTeX string

I’m looking for a way to render astropy variables inside LaTeX strings within an IPython notebook. For example, given a simple premise, the speed of light is beautifully rendered by default as: by simply typing it in the ipython prompt. Now, what if I would like to embed this in a string? How to hop on the same rendering train

Jupyter python3 notebook cannot recognize pandas

I am using the Jupyter notebook with Python 3 selected. On the first line of a cell I am entering: The error I get from the notebook is, ImportError: No module named ‘pandas’. How can I install pandas to the jupyter notebook? The computer I launched the Jupyter notebook from definitely has pandas. I tried doing: And it says it

Jupyter: disable restart kernel warning

I’m using jupyter 4.1.0, and I find myself making frequent use of the “Restart & Run All” feature. Every time I use that button it displays this warning: Is there a way to disable that warning? Answer You can add a cell in your notebook and using the following statements: And the kernel will restart immediately.

How to change working directory in Jupyter Notebook?

I couldn’t find a place for me to change the working directory in Jupyter Notebook, so I couldn’t use the pd.read_csv method to read in a specific csv document. Is there any way to make it? FYI, I’m using Python3.5.1 currently. Thanks! Answer Running os.chdir(NEW_PATH) will change the working directory.

double click to open an ipython notebook

Related posts: Open an ipython notebook via double-click on osx How can I open Ipython notebook from double click? I always cd to the directory of the notebook, then type ipython notebook in the browser and then open it in the browser. This steps is very inconvenient. In windows, I remembered that I can change the directory in the browser,
