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Tag: jupyter-notebook

Can’t run any ipynb files using Jupyter Lab or Jupyter Notebook (FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified)

I have JupyterLab/JupyterNotebook running on Win10, along with Python and PyCharm on the side on Windows 10. Whenever I launch JupyterLab/JupyterNotebook I get the error stated below. I have tried reinstalling the Anaconda-distribution or any other instances of Python but it gives me the same error every time I launch JupyterLab/Notebook. I have also tried running it on a remote

Import error: DLL load failed in Jupyter notebook but working in .py file

I installed BreakoutDetection the module in Anaconda environment. When I tried to import the module using import breakout_detection in jupyter notebook, I get the below error I could import the same module in python shell I looked at the system paths (print sys.path) and in both python shell and jupyter notebook. They both are the same. Executable path (print sys.executable)

Argparse in iPython notebook: unrecognized arguments: -f

I am trying to pass a .py file to ipython notebook environment. I have never had to deal directly with argparse before. How do I rewrite the main() function? I tried to delete the line of def main(): and keep the rest of the code. But args = parser.parse_args()” returned an error: error: unrecognized arguments: -f. And when I

Jupyter – Split Classes in multiple Cells

I wonder if there is a possibility to split jupyter classes into different cells? Lets say: For more complex classes its really annoying to write them into one cell. I would like to put each method in a different cell. Someone made this this last year but i wonder if there is something build in so i dont need external

jupyter notebook import error: no module named ‘matplotlib’

I’m an ubuntu 16.4 user and I installed anaconda3 and using both python2 and python3 kernels. >>>jupyter kernelspec list Available kernels: python2 /home/peterkim/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/python2 python3 /home/peterkim/anaconda3/share/jupyter/kernels/python3 and.. the problem was that I don’t know where/how to install packages in order to for my python2 jupyter notebook not to make error ‘no module named …’. I tried pip install matplotlib and conda

ImportError: No module named xgboost

When I tried import from python terminal I get this error, although I followed all the steps to install xgboost, somehow python is unable to get the package details.I am relatively new to python, I could easily install numpy and pandas packages,I used this link for installation on MACOSX When I did pip install xgboost, I am getting this
