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Tag: jquery

No data available in table | Flask/Python/Sqlite

I am trying to use a simple app to display database information using Python, Flask and SQLite. I have three files server_table.html, and base.html. My SQLite database testdb.db is constructed successfully and I am able to pull/push data to it. The columns and data type are correct for the database model. However, when I run, the webpage renders

Django not showing group manage options in admin page

Recently, I deployed a Django web app. However, when I’m accessing the admin page, I’m not getting the expected interface to add or remove a user from a certain group: At the of inspecting the page, I’m receiving the following messages: any idea about how to handle these errros? Thanks! Answer Content Security Policies are usually controlled via middleware like

How do I pass inputs from jQuery to Flask?

I have three inputs I am trying to pass the values back to a function inside my app, from the index.html rendered in Flask. Here are the inputs: Here is the script to assign and render their values on the page (for Rate and Percent of income sliders) as well as my start at trying to pass the values. Here

Unable to execute a query on flask using MqSQL

Hello there im trying to execute a SQL query using Flask with mysqldatabase, the query returns as a JSON managed my JQuery on the front end. The goal is to use a search bar to find any matches with the data base. The query works just fine if I use just one “like” sentence, for example. But in the moment

Django request.FILES gets name, filename but not file (blob)

I’m trying to send an audiofile via a POST request to the server (aws, ec2) and I’m using Django, but my request.FILES doesn’t receive the blob file, but it DOES receive the key and the filename. Everything worked fine when I ran this on localhost. How can I get the file? I’m enabling my website on chrome://flags/#unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure, so that I
