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Tag: javascript

How to pass a dictionary to ChartJS?

I’m trying to pass a dictionary from my Flask file to my ChartJS but the data doesn’t load on my chart. I think there’s a problem on passing my data. Here is the format of my dictionary. Basically, it’s a time series dataframe I converted as dict. Here is my flask file: Here is my HTML file Answer I solved

Telegram checking and adding to contacts?

I need your help. I had 40k of mobile numbers and i need to do few things: Check if this numbers have tg account Add this account to contact list. Can anybody helps me, how i can do it. Or with examples of codes. Thanks Answer if you are using pyrogram, To check if the entity has a telegram account

passing node js variable to html using ajax

I am trying to pass python json results to html ajax from node js. What I want to make is, take some inputs from the client side, and when a submit button is hit, ajax is sending the variables to Node JS then the /data middleware runs a python script which handles the DB and stores the variables and showing

upload multiple files with fetch

I am trying to receive more than one file per time using reactjs and flask api, but I get this error fontend code using reactjs backend code using flask flask receiving the files as [‘[object File],[object File]’] . I tried to find ways to read an object file but nothing worked can anyone help.. Answer I don’t use React but
