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Tag: image

Get Image File Size From Base64 String

I’m working on a python web service. It calls another web service to change the picture of a profile. It connects to another web service. This web service can only accept pictures that are 4 MB or smaller. I will put the checking in the first web service. It uses PIL to check if the base64 string is a valid

Creating a PNG file in Python

I have an application where I would like to be able to generate PNG images from data in Python. I’ve done some searching and found “PIL” which looked pretty outdated. Is there some other library that would be better for this? Thanks, Answer Is there some other library that would be better for this? The png package would be a

Python: The _imagingft C module is not installed

I’ve tried lots of solution that posted on the net, they don’t work. So the system can find the _imaging but still can’t use truetype font Raises this error: Answer Your installed PIL was compiled without libfreetype. You can get precompiled installer of PIL (compiled with libfreetype) here (and many other precompiled Python C Modules):

How to use PIL to make all white pixels transparent?

I’m trying to make all white pixels transparent using the Python Image Library. (I’m a C hacker trying to learn python so be gentle) I’ve got the conversion working (at least the pixel values look correct) but I can’t figure out how to convert the list into a buffer to re-create the image. Here’s the code Answer You need to
