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Tag: image

Viewing .npy images

How can I view images stored with a .npy extension and save my own files in that format? Answer .npy is the file extension for numpy arrays – you can read them using numpy.load: One of the easiest ways to view them is using matplotlib’s imshow function: You could also use PIL or pillow: These functions aren’t part of the

Convert PIL Image to byte array?

I have an image in PIL Image format. I need to convert it to byte array. Now I need the roiImg as a byte array. Answer Thanks everyone for your help. Finally got it resolved!! With this i don’t have to save the cropped image in my hard disc and I’m able to retrieve the byte array from a PIL

PIL and pygame.image

I had opened an image using PIL, as Draw some text on it, as and then saved it as to open it using pygame.image I just want to do it without saving.. Can that be possible? It is taking a lot of time to save and then load(0.12 sec Yes, that is more as I have multiple images which require

cvtcolor in Cv2 – no attribute

I’m writing a program to collect a series of images from a USB microscope and generate an average as a way of denoising. I’m having to convert the image into a numpy array, sum the pixels then divide before converting back to an image. Somewhere along the line the channels get mixed so my output is BGR not RGB, I’m
