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Tag: image-processing

Speeding up applying mapping to an image

I’m trying to convert an RGB to a gray-value image of the same size (with values between 0 and 1). The mapping is done by a dictionary called MASK_LUT_IDX which takes in a tuple (RGB) and returns the corresponding value. The current code is 2x faster than before, but still takes 1.5s (according to timeit), which is proving to be

Understanding contour hierarchies: How to distinguish filled circle/contour and unfilled circle/contour in OpenCV?

I am unable to differentiate between the below two contours. cv2.contourArea() is giving the same value for both. Is there any function to distinguish them in Python? How do I use contour hierarchies to determine the difference? Answer To distinguish between a filled contour and unfilled contour, you can use contour hierarchy when finding contours with cv2.findContours(). Specifically, you can
