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Tag: if-statement

Run Loop If Value Does Not Exist in Database

#update – I fixed the syntax error moving a ), but it still doesn’t work as intended. Now it runs the loop even with a duplicate, which is not the intent. I’m trying to add a list of quotes to a database, but only if the author doesn’t already exist. I’m getting a syntax error here, and no existing posts

if elif when looping thru for loop with stack problem in python

the problem is here: Given a Unix path, represented as a list of strings, return its resolved version. In Unix, “..” means to go to the previous directory and “.” means to stay on the current directory. By resolving, we mean to evaluate the two symbols so that we get the final directory we’re currently in. Constraints n ≤

elif: SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I want to within an if statement but regardless of identation, get syntax error. Is it because elif: has no condition? error message Answer In elif you have if, it requires a condition and you provide none, it should be Using walrus operator (since py3.8) you can improve your code to look like If the code is executed multiple

How to optimise function logic to avoid duplication – python

I have some code below, for a given name that matches pattern with 2 lower case letters (such as ‘aa’), the valid name can be V-aa or X-aa My question is: can I do something like: Answer From your description, I assume that verify_helper() is computationally expensive regardless of names being valid. Now you want to optimize the code, by

Why am I getting Syntaxerror for this while loop? [closed]

Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers. This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers. Closed 10 months ago. Improve this question

Cleaner Alternative to Nested If/Else

I’m mainly focused on an alternative to if/else’s in create_animal. If there is a more professional way to handle this. In this case, it’s a classifier based on a variable number of traits needed to figure out what the animal is. Since humans are the only animals that speak English, that property is sufficient. But if they roar instead Bear
