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Tag: http

Cant decode HTTP Response to JSON (Python3)

I am running a series of API tests and this one is giving me an error. As far as I can tell converts the HTTP response into binary and then decode() converts that binary into a string but it’s an empty string. When I copy paste the binary string into Python3 (b'{“error”: {“code”: “INVALID_TOKEN”, “description”: “”}}’) and issue a

Calling an External API That Fails Randomly

I am using Django server to call a Korean government’s weather API to retrieve weather data for around 1800 locations. However, this weather API results in time out most of the time. I tried giving resting periods. For example, for every request, it will sleep for 0.8 seconds and after every 30 requests, it will sleep for 30 seconds. But

Python http requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: (‘Connection aborted.’, RemoteDisconnected(‘Remote end closed connection without response’))

I’m writing a chat program. Each of my clients has an open get request to the server in a separate thread (and another thread for posting their own messages). I don’t want to have a lot of overhead. That is, clients don’t send get requests frequently to see if there have been any unseen messages. Instead, they always have exactly

How to parse raw HTTP request in Python 3?

I am looking for a native way to parse an http request in Python 3. This question shows a way to do it in Python 2, but uses now deprecated modules, (and Python 2) and I am looking for a way to do it in Python 3. I would mainly like to just figure out what resource is requested and

Python Start HTTP Server In Code (Create .py To Start HTTP Server)

Currently I and many others are using a Python HTTP server on several platforms (Windows, OS X and potentially Linux). We are using a Python HTTP server to test a JavaScript game. Right now we are launching the Python HTTP server through the command line on each platform (CMD, Terminal, etc.). Although this works well, it is becoming a pain
