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Tag: function

Get source function of lambda expression with captured variable

Having a lambda function that uses a regex: I would like to retrieve the source function including its pattern for error reporting. The expected output would be something like: func = lambda x: re.fullmatch(“black.*”, x) Knowing of the inspect module and the function getsource, I managed to solve part of my problem, but the pattern variable is not evaluated: which

How does assigning variables to functions work in this python program?

Here is the full python program on pastebin ,I dont understand how the variable assigned to the function mutable_link() works. if i replace s with mutable_link Here is the version that works though. How does assigning the function to variables work and why do i get error when i use just mutable_link() instead. Answer I see your code and

Python – len function not working as expected, and giving me the error “TypeError: object of type ‘int’ has no len()”

While studying linked lists from – The program recognizes four as a linked list, But when i plug in x it returns an error instead of returning “False”. If i change value of x to just [1] or [1,2,3] it returns as expected, but if i enter a normal list [1,2] with 2 values i run into this error.

Function with two loops

I want to make a function what must have 2 loops: must check that at least 2 characters (letters) are inserted if the two characters are in the form that the variable must receive at the end, the variable receives the correct orthographic form. Here is my code (but it throws me in infinite loop) [Please be indulgent im a

Default parameter positioning and TypeError

So here’s my code: When I execute, I get TypeError: SubElement() argument 1 must be xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, not None What I need is to pass the value 20 (FLASHCMD_TIMEOUT) to the function op_sndrcv(). create_command() op_sndrcv() are used my multiple routines and I want to keep this as optional, without changing the current format, but just by introducing the new variable timeout
