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Tag: flask

flask app not running automatically from Dockerfile

My simple flask app is not automatically starting when I run in docker, though I have added CMD command correctly. I am able to run flask using python3 /app/ manually from container shell. Hence, no issue with code or command I run docker container as When I log in to docker container and run “ps -eaf” on Ubuntu shell of

Flask-Restx not converting enum field type to JSON

I need help with Enum field type as it is not accepted by Swagger and I am getting error message **TypeError: Object or Type eGameLevel is not JSON serializable**. Below is the complete set of code for table. Complete set of code with DB table and sqlalchemy settings is provided. I already tried it with Marshmallow-Enum Flask package and it

Images not hosted on server with flask, jinja2 and html

I want to load images from links with flask and jinja2. This is what I’m trying: I have checked that anime.cover =, but the images won’t load. What is a possible solution? Thank you in advance! Answer First check to make sure you’re getting your anime object (I can’t tell from the question). Then, check to make sure your

How do I pass inputs from jQuery to Flask?

I have three inputs I am trying to pass the values back to a function inside my app, from the index.html rendered in Flask. Here are the inputs: Here is the script to assign and render their values on the page (for Rate and Percent of income sliders) as well as my start at trying to pass the values. Here

Flask-CORS does not apply to responses returned by WSGI middleware

I have a Flask application that uses Flask-CORS, as well as a WSGI middleware that returns a custom response instead of the Flask app for some routes. For responses the middleware returns, Flask-CORS is not applied, so I’ve had to apply the CORS headers manually to that response. I tried reversing the order that the middleware and Flask-CORS are applied,
