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Tag: flask

Why is flask-session in plain text?

I have a server-side session file created and I am new to web applications. I don’t understand why the session files when opened with text file has plain content inside it. I have a secret key setup and all but why is it not encrypted? And on login the file route is And on logout the route is WHen the

Python Flask cookie consent

I want to set a banner that asks for permission to store cookies on my website(because GDPR). I’ve tried like this: HTML: and jinja2 The prints are for debugging. The problem is that the list is always empty and the banner is never showing. What should I do to make this work? Does that mean that the site is not

Flask static file importing issues

I’m trying to write my first webapp with Flask. I learned that to use css in my site, I have to use a static folder, because my css is never gonna change while the site is running (when it is online). So i created it, wrote a bit of css, imported it in my html via this portion of code

How do I fix this error in Spyder: No module named ‘flask’

Updated: So after doing some digging I was able to find that if I add a ‘!’ before pip it allows me to run pip inside of Spyder. (I was unable to run pip inside the console originally. That is why below you will see I ran a version check on flask in a python cmd Here I’m trying to
