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Tag: exception

Selenium retry URL when ValueError

How can I retry url from list if ValueError? Error: Or other exceptions. Can use if ValueError then driver.refresh(2wice) but I dont know location in the code: Maximum retry 2 Answer You can put the entire thing in a try/except block and if it encounters a ValueError at some point, you can put the same code under except and it

Perform an exception for a list of funtions

hello people (I am new to python) Question: i use ipywidgets with buttons, i want to call a list of function, sometimes there’s a problem in a function (syntax, division by zero,…), i try to put an exception to pass the error and lunch the next function, don’t work :( I’m running in jupyter environment using python and pandas

How to print every error using try except in python

I’m now learning how to handle multiple errors in python. While using try-except I want to print every error in try. There are two errors in try but the indexing error occurred first, so the program can’t print a message about ZeroDivisionError. How can I print both IndexErrormessage and ZeroDivisionErrormessage? Below is the code I wrote. Answer As the IndexError

Different types of inner classes in Python 2 and Python 3

I am upgrading my project from Python 2.7 to Python 3.7 and in my code I have something like this: now type(A.B()) returns different things in the two Python versions: In Python 2.7 I get: <class ‘__main__.B’> In Python 3.7 I get: <class ‘__main__.A.B’> Can anybody explain what happens under the hood that causes this difference? Thank you very much!

Catch a specific `Windows Error` number – python

I am creating a new nested directory (data_dir = ‘parentchild’) in python: If the parent directory ‘parent’ did not exists (yet, ’cause I might be setting later in the code), then the code caught that as a Windows Error 3 and moved on. However now what could also happen is Windows Error 206 which is when the filename or extension

Paho MQTT Python Client: No exceptions thrown, just stops

I try to setup a mqtt client in python3. This is not the first time im doing this, however i came across a rather odd behaviour. When trying to call a function, which contains a bug, from one of the callback functions (on_connect or on_message), python does not throw an exception (at least it is not printed), it just stops
