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Tag: docker

Error in anyjson setup command: use_2to3 is invalid

This is a common error which the most common solution to is to downgrade setuptools to below version 58. This was not working for me. I tried installing python3-anyjson but this didn’t work either. I’m at a complete loss.. any advice or help is much appreciated. If it matters: this application is legacy spaghetti and I am trying to polish

Trying to supply PGPASS to Docker Image

New to Docker here. I’m trying to create a basic Dockerfile where I run a python script that runs some queries in postgres through psycopg2. I currently have a pgpass file setup in my environment variables so that I can run these tools without supplying a password in the code. I’m trying to replicate this in Docker. I have windows

How to test Docker container on another machine?

I wrote a simple script as follows: I dockerized it and put it in a container, and ran it from there. Everything is working fine. I have another machine with Linux OS. How can I test this container there? Do I need to simply copy paste it or what? Answer You need to install Docker on the other machine, and

Using bind mount in Docker (Ubuntu 20.04)

I am really new to Linux and Docker, and i want to not rebuild docker image after every change of my code. I read, that you can use bind mount, but i can’t understand it’s syntax and usage. My Python files with Dockerfile is located at /etc/python-docker Answer You can mount your python files inside the container with the -v

docker compose .env variables not set

I have the following docker-compose.yml: In my .env file I have the following: This is to start up a flask api, but what I get when I run the container with: docker compose –env-file .env up –build or docker-compose –env-file .env up –build is this: The api insists on starting on suggesting that the environment variables are not set
