The issue is when i try to update my profile, i do not see the exising value i do not actually know what is wrong with the views.. Answer in your form = UpdateFormExample(request.POST, instance=request.user) this fixed the issue
Tag: django
Django 4.0 NoReverseMatch
So I’m learning to create a confirmation email address while registering an account using Django. This is my I’m having this email_confirmation.html template: And this is my In the end, I am getting this error: My question is, why I am getting this error and do you guys have any solution into it? Thank you Answer Your
Page not found (404) The current path, register/register, didn’t match any of these
on running server browser show I am trying to save the the data into database on submitting the form the browser show page not found error and and some wrong address. while i am rendering the homepage on submitting the form. file file Answer try path(‘register/register’,views.register),
Django pip freeze > requirements.txt not getting the exact packages installed in the virtual env
Django pip freeze > requirements.txt not getting the exact packages installed in the virtual env rather it’s getting all the packages i have ever installed and it’s kinda not what i exactly wants, let me show some image of whats happening there are still more packages below, please what can i do Answer Whenever you do It prints out all
How can I upload to different buckets in Django and Google Storage?
I’m able to upload a file in Google Storage but the problem is that it goes to the default bucket where my static files are: GS_BUCKET_NAME=’static-files’ I’d like to continue uploading the static files to the ‘static-files’ bucket, but I would like to also upload the user files to a different bucket: ‘user-upload-files’ How can I do this in Django
Django – Ensure ordering of response data is newer first
So I have some code below that returns posts that are newer than a post with post_uuid given. This is ensured because I force an ordered uuid scheme where each Post is given a uuid in order of creation, this is done with ulid. I want to enforce that that the returned is ordered by Post creation data, with
How to display a model data dynamically in Html?
I have a model and in a function this model is updating. I want to display this model’s data dynamically. So, new values should display without refreshing the page. How can I do it? setup_wizard.html All my function works fine. When I looking the MyLongProcess from Django admin and refresh the page, values are updating. Just I
Python Django ModeulNotFoundError: No module named ‘SomeFolder’
I have a django app. It is quite complicated, I can’t post all the code here, so I have a big picture summary. The setup of the folders in the big picture related to what I’m doing is below. Note that “SomeFolder” is a placeholder name for the actual name. Some folder is a folder containing some python scripts with
Python – Applying condition on after decimal point (in dataframe column)
I have a dataframe which contains a column like below, I have to apply condition after decimal point, Those conditions are, ( (<50)it will replace .0), and (>50) it will replace .5)). How can i do it properly??? Thanks in advance,…. Answer Just implement your own rounding criteria in a function, and apply the function on required column: OUTPUT:
SSL connect to mysql from django
We just had a migration from a “unsecured” mysql DB to a SSL mysql but my Django application cannot connect anymore. content of and when I execute this Django command line : python3 dbshell (which used to work with the pre-migration DB), I receive the error message : As you can see, the executed mysql command does not