I have two models 1. User model, 2. VendorDetails model (vendoruser is connected by foreignkey relationship with vendordetails) Here I save the User extra details (VendorDetailsForm) if the requested user is applying for a vendor. I could be saved the requested user details in VendorDetails Model. But when I am getting the requested user id, I can’t .
Tag: django-views
TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not JpegImageFile (or PngImageFile) in Django
When I am uploading a picture to check a picture according to tensorflow h5 model, I am loading the image using load_model of tensorflow.keras.models but it is not accepting. For JPG, it is showing TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not JpegImageFile and for PNG, it is showing as TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not PngImageFile. What
Django form keeps information after submission
I have a Django form and I am trying different options to do 2 things when the form is submitted: Redirect the form back without any information Trigger a Modal after a Django Form is submitted. I have followed this answer but it did not work the form was successfully submitted but the modal did not appear. I have added
Splitting dictionary objects
I am building a Blog App and I made a queryset which is showing blog date and likes of every day since blog date, But it is showing in dictionary and i am trying to show both instances differently in table like. Blog Date Likes 20 Sep. 6 Likes 21 Sep. 2 Likes 22 Sep. 4 Likes But it is
Django Model form not rendering
Im trying to create a model form on django but it doesnt want to render even though I mapped it properly and created the path. it refuse to render but it displays the html tag that is in the file but not the fields from the form. this is the html template AppsForm.html Answer you view is
how to create django template tag for custom model
I’m new for django template tag. I am trying to display logged user payment_status and remaining_days on django html template. For this I wrote model and I don’t know how to write template tag for this. Request your help on this. I want to display payment_status above in model and remaining_days = expired_date-subscripted_date Answer You should take a look at
Form validation is not working in Ajax form submitting
I am building a small Blog App with comment Functionality so, I am trying to prevent bad words in comments. ( If anyone tries to add selected bad words then the error will raise ). BUT when i add text validation in model field and try to enter bad word then it is saving without showing any errors of validation.
Associate a Django Bool FormField with a submit button in a ModelForm and CBV
The view has a Boolean Field which will define if a question is OK or needs correction. The template will load two buttons to act as submit to the form, “Question is OK” and “Question needs correction”. I need to pass the value of this button as the Boolean Field value. I found the answer when using Function-based views, but
About (sender, instance, created, **kwargs) parameter. How it’s assigned
I’m new to python in general and while I was going through a tutorial it teaches about signals. I’ve been trying to figured how this function works, as in how (sender, instance, created, **kwargs) is assigned to? I can’t seem to wrap my head around it. So if a post is saved it triggers this vvv receiver(post_save, sender=User) in this
Django: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘get’
I am trying to effectively make a Reddit clone just for practice with Django and I am trying to set up my upvote/downvote system with just a simple integer(upvote adds one, downvotes subtract one) however when I hit my “upvote” or “downvote” buttons it gives me the error ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘get’. I have no idea what is