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Tag: distance

Edit Distance w/ operational weights in Python

I am learning about edit distance for the first time and have only been coding for a few months. I’m trying to modify the algorithm such that the different editing operations carry different weights as follows: insertion weighs 20, deletion weighs 20 and replacement weighs 5. I have been able to implement the basic code that calculates minimum edit distance

Determine the similarity between two arrays of counts [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question The Problem: I am trying to determine the similarity between two 1D arrays composed of counts. Both the positions and relative

Calculate Density based on Lat/Lon

I’m very sorry to say that I do not have any sample code for this question. The reason being, I’ve been looking for a way to do this and I’ve got no ideas. I’m not looking for specific code help, more like some general guidance on where to start. I have lat/lon for people living around California. Based on the

grid with circular distances python

I have a 2d grid of dim q(rows) p(columns). The element of the grid are the indices of the element itself. So the element a[i,j]=(i,j). Now I need to create pair-wise distances between these points with circularity constraint, meaning that the element distance(a[i,p-1],a[i,0])=1 (I am using 0-index based matrix as in Python). Analogously distance(a[q-1,j],a[0,j])=1 Observe that distance(a[q-2,j],a[0,j]) is the shorter

How to add the name of the nearest point?

I have two data frames with coordinates of attractions and exists. I use this to get the distance to the nearest exit: I want to add a column with the name of this nearest exit. It has to look like: I will be grateful for any help! Answer Write this line at the end of for loop
