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Tag: dictionary

How to use values of find_peak function Python

I have to analyse a PPG signal. I found something to find the peaks but I can’t use the values of the heights. They are stored in like a dictionary array or something and I don’t know how to extract the values out of it. I tried using dict.values() but that didn’t work. The PPG signal looks like this. To

replace client’s id with their respective name in shipment dictionary using a loop and dictionary comprehension

d1={101:{‘Sender’:1,’Receiver’:3,’Start date’:’14-03-2020′,’Delivery date’:’25-03-2020′,’Sender location’:’Area 1′,’Receiver location’:’Area 6′,’Delivery status’:’Delivered’,’Shipping cost’:198}, 102:{‘Sender’:4,’Receiver’:1,’Start date’:’18-06-2020′,’Delivery date’:’09-07-2020′,’Sender location’:’Area 2′,’Receiver location’:’Area 4′,’Delivery status’:’Delivered’,’Shipping cost’:275}, 103:{‘Sender’:2,’Receiver’:3,’Start date’:’01-12-2020′,’Delivery date’:’Null’,’Sender location’:’Area 5′,’Receiver location’:’Area 1′,’Delivery status’:’In Transit’,’Shipping cost’:200}, 104:{‘Sender’:1,’Receiver’:5,’Start date’:’23-06-2020′,’Delivery date’:’25-06-2020′,’Sender location’:’Area 1′,’Receiver location’:’Area 4′,’Delivery status’:’Delivered’,’Shipping cost’:314}, 105:{‘Sender’:3,’Receiver’:4,’Start date’:’29-08-2020′,’Delivery date’:’10-09-2020′,’Sender location’:’Area 5′,’Receiver location’:’Area 3′,’Delivery status’:’Delivered’,’Shipping cost’:275}, 106:{‘Sender’:5,’Receiver’:2,’Start date’:’28-06-2020′,’Delivery date’:’Null’,’Sender location’:’Area 3′,’Receiver location’:’Area 1′,’Delivery status’:’In Transit’,’Shipping cost’:270}} d2 = {1:’Phillip’,2:’Omega lll’,3

Creating a nested dictionary from a pandas dataframe

I have a dataframe which demonstrates a hierarchy of meters. A meter has an ID, and can have any number of children, this children can also have children, which can also have children, ad infinitum. The dataframe has a meter per row, and the level of the child is shown by column. As shown below: The aim is to convert

Pandas create column of dictionaries based on condition from another column

Let’s say if I have a Pandas df called df_1 like this: id date_created rank_1 rank_2 rank_3 rank_dict 2223 3/3/21 3:26 {,,} 1112 2/25/21 1:35 {,,} and another df called df_2 that looks like this: id date_created rank_1 rank_2 rank_3 2223 4/9/21 5:15 1112 8/20/21 2:30

Creating a Dictionary from a Text File in Python

I found a few other posts regarding this topic, but I’m having issues getting it to work for my instance; I am relatively new to Python so I apologize. Below is an example of the first few lines of a txt file that I have: Every value is separated by a space and I want to create keys for each
