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Tag: dataframe

Groupby aggregate and transpose in pandas

df= Off all the genres in the genre field, I only need to consider ‘Rock’, ‘Latin’, ‘Metal’, ‘Blues’ and build a new dataframe based on the following requirements many songs the singer has from that genre (count of each genre must be in a separate column). b.Count of how many albums the singer has in the data. c.Count of

set an index while merging two dataframe

I have a dataframe like this : dte res year 1995-01-01 65.3 1995 1995-01-02 65.5 1995 … … … 2019-01-03 55.2 2019 2019-01-04 52.2 2019 and I’m trying to create another file in this format : basically I want every year in a different column. Here is what I already did : when I write in my loop df=pd.DataFrame(myDict,index=[row.dte]) and

Segregate a column data based on regex using pandas

I have a dataframe like as shown below I would like to create 3 new columns val_num – will store ONLY NUMBER values that comes along with symbols ex: 1234 (from >1234) and 1000 (from <1000) but WILL NOT STORE 31 (from 31sadj) because it doesn’t have any symbol val_str – will store only values a mix of NUMBER,symbols,ALPHABETS or
