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Tag: dataframe

Sort dataframe by substring condition excluding similar strings

I have a dataframe with a string type column named ‘tag’, tag has three categories (data_types): If I want to count the number of rows there are by each data_type in ‘tag’ column, I apply the string include condition this way But, obviously, the counting for the tag ‘DATA’ include the real ‘DATA’ rows and both ‘DATAKIND’ and ‘DATAKINDSIM’ in

CSV data to Python dictionary

I wrote my data which was in lists and dicts to a csv file, and when i import the csv file using pd.read_csv(‘file.csv’), everything becomes strings. How can i keep or convert it to its original format? Originally, everything was in a dataframe and then written to a CSV file using df.to_csv(r’./file.csv’). all the rows are strings. Answer This will

How to plot percentage of NaN in pandas data frame?

I’d like someone to help me plot the NaN percentage of pandas data frame. I calculated percentage using this code. It gave me this result. Now, I want to plot the percentage along with the column names of data frame. Can anyone help me? Regards. Updated: The graph looks like this. How to beautify this in order to see the

Finding Search Terms from one Pandas Dataframe in another

I’m trying to search for key terms that are contained in one dataframe in another, returning each one when it is found in the second dataframe. My code below words to extract the keywords. However, some of the keywords overlap and it only pulls the first result it finds, when I would like it to pull as many matches as

Converting dictionary into dataframe

Hello i am trying to convert a dictionary into a dataframe, containing results from a search on amazon (I am using an API.). I would like each product to be a row in the dataframe with the keys as column headers. However there is some keys in the beginning, that i am not interested in having in the table. Below
