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Tag: boxplot

How to customize plotly legend order?

I want to change the ordering of legend in my boxplot from 1-12, or perhaps even renaming them to Jan, Feb, etc. Any idea how could I do it? Answer is plotting your data in the order that it’s reading through your DataFrame df, so you can pass a sorted DataFrame to instead: If you want the names

Multiple boxplots based on conditions

I have a dataframe with two columns. The power column represents the power consumption of the system. And the component_status column divide the data in two, based when the component is OFF or ON. When the values are 153 is when the component is ON and when the values are 150 the component is OFF. The result that I am

Boxplot with pandas

this is how looks like my dataframe: And I would like to show a Boxplot with Pandas using the AVG and the STD columns (average and standard deviation), and I don’t know how can start. For instance, I would like to compare the four methods for PART = 1, J = 3 and P = 50 through a boxplot to

Create Boxplot Grouped By Column

I have a Pandas DataFrame, df, that has a price column and a year column. I want to create a boxplot after grouping the rows based on their year. Here’s an example: So in this case, I’d want a boxplot for each of 2011, 2012, and 2013 based on their price column. I’ve looked into DataFrame.groupby but it produces a

Plotting multiple boxplots in seaborn

I want to plot boxplots using seaborn in pandas because it is a nicer way to visualize data, but I am not too familiar with it. I have three dataframes that are different metrics, and I want to compare the different metrics. I will loop through the file paths to access them. The dfs for each of the metrics are
