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Tag: bash

Run python command inside a bash script and get the result

I would like to run a python command that return true or false inside a bash script: The code above is just to sketch the idea. I need boolean to be false or true (bash boolean values) depending on the result of …operations…. The code above is not working: boolean results to be an empty variable. Answer bool=$(python -c ‘print(bool(“abc”))’)

How to use python -c “code here” with newlines?

The command runs the code inside the quotes successfully, both in Linux (bash) and Windows (cmd.exe). But how to pass code with newlines, with python -c? Example: both fail. Example use case: I need to send a SSH command (with paramiko) to execute a short Python code on a remote server, so I need to pass one command like ssh.exec_command(‘python

install python packages using init scripts in a databricks cluster

I have installed the databricks cli tool by running the following command pip install databricks-cli using the appropriate version of pip for your Python installation. If you are using Python 3, run pip3. Then by creating a PAT (personal-access token in Databricks) I run the following .sh bash script: script I use the above script to install python libraries

Split CSV values on single row into individual rows

I have a Python script that outputs a text file with thousands of random filenames in a comma separated list, all on a single row. I want to take each value in the list and put it into its own row in a new CSV file. I’ve tried some variations of awk with no success. What’s the best way to

Fixing PATH for Python libraries using Bash

I am attempting to install some Python libraries by executing variations of the following command in Bash: I installed Python3 using Homebrew. I then get variations of the following message each time: WARNING: The scripts f2py, f2py3 and f2py3.7 are installed in ‘/Users/x/Library/Python/3.7/bin’ which is not on PATH. Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress

Need help running spark-submit in Apache Airflow

I am a relatively new user to Python and Airflow and am having a very difficult time getting spark-submit to run in an Airflow task. My goal is to get the following DAG task to run successfully I know the problem lies with Airflow and not with the bash because when I run the command spark-submit –class CLASSPATH.CustomCreate ~/IdeaProjects/custom-create-job/build/libs/custom-create.jar in

Failed to activate virtualenv with pyenv

I run: And I get: I am trying to follow this tutorial: Other info: I recently made my .bash_profile it contains: What should I do to properly start virtualenv? Answer That should be in .bashrc, not .bash_profile. The latter is executed only by login shells, the former by all interactive shells.

Set shell environment variable via python script

I have some instrument which requires environment variable which I want to set automatically from python code. So I tried several ways to make it happen, but none of them were successful. Here are some examples: I insert following code in my python script I created bash script( and run it from python: I also tried os.putenv() and os.environ*[“ENV_VAR”] =
