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Tag: amazon-web-services

Getting “not all arguments converted during string formatting” exception in AWS Lambda function

I am trying to write an AWS Lambda function in python that retrieves records from a table. I have no trouble running the code locally. However, when I run the code in AWS Lambda function, I get the error “not all arguments converted during string formatting”. The query is executed by the following code: class SalesReceipt(declarative_base(), PersistentBase.PersistentBase): tablename = ‘sales_receipts’

when calling the UpdateMethod operation getting invalid path error for /methodIntegration/uri

I’m updating an API in AWS API Gateway. This is my lambda function: This works fine and updates “API key required” field, but when I try to update the “URI” field it throws the following error. “errorMessage”: “An error occurred (BadRequestException) when calling the UpdateMethod operation: Invalid patch path /methodIntegration/uri”, The path looks fine to me. Docs: Answer apiKeyRequired
