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Tag: amazon-s3

Tensorflow reading data from AWS s3 bucket

I want to stream my data files from an AWS s3 bucket. I’m following the setup described here, but using tensorflow 2. The setup specifies that you can use a AWS configuration file in ~/.aws/credentials, but I also tried using the environment variables. However the smoke test below keeps giving the following error tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.UnimplementedError: File system scheme ‘s3’ not implemented.

boto3 s3 Object expiration “MalformedXML” error

I’m trying to set the lifecycle configuration of a subdirectory in Amazon S3 bucket by using boto3 put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration. I used this code from aws documentation as referece: I removed Transitions and added Expiration, to better fit my purpouses. Here is my code: The error I’m receiving is: What could be causing this error? Answer I followed @Michael-sqlbot suggestion and found

Pandas read_pickle from s3 bucket

I am working on a Jupyter notebook from AWS EMR. I am able to do this: pd.read_csv(“s3:\mypath\xyz.csv’). However, if I try to open a pickle file like this, pd.read_pickle(“s3:\mypath\xyz.pkl”) I am getting this error: However, I can see both xyz.csv and xyz.pkl in the same path! Can anyone help? Answer Pandas read_pickle supports only local paths, unlike read_csv. So you

ERROR: Bucket name must match the regex “^[a-zA-Z0-9.-_]{1,255}$”

When I try to upload images to a bucket, it throw an error “Invalid bucket name “thum.images “: Bucket name must match the regex “^[a-zA-Z0-9.-_]{1,255}$””. I think there is nothing wrong with a bucket name. This is my code to upload image: Answer The “Invalid bucket name “thum.images “: Bucket name must match the regex “^[a-zA-Z0-9.-_]{1,255}$”” error means just what
