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How can i write excel columns into one column in text file?

I have an excel sheet and have huge data in many columns and I need to print those columns to follow each other in one column in a text file .. I searched a lot for a tool to do this but couldn’t find and tried to take it manually but I’m stuck in the data. Can this be done

Optimizing a standard deviation function Pandas Numpy Python

The std pandas function below calculates the standard deviation of every nth value defined by number. So it would take the the values of PC_list with indexes [0,1,2,3,4,5] and calculate the standard deviation and then the indexes [1,2,3,4,5] and calculate the standard deviation until the end of PC_list. I am trying to optimize the code by trying to make it

All unique combinations of a set of sets of values

If I have an arbitrary amount of elements, each with a specified set of values, what can I do to get all possible combinations with a value from each element’s set? For example, let’s say I have: What can I do to get the following? Input/output don’t need to use dicts, but I figured that’s the easiest way to represent

How can i delete the repeated numbers from a file?

i need to delete numbers that are iterated more than once .. if i know the repeated numbers already. Should i have two files .. one for the real numbers i have ” data .txt “. and the other contains the numbers which are iterated ” columns.txt” .. it is just for searching quickly the repeated numbers – As the

Why my rgb color in Kivymd looks different to real color?

I was changing active color of MDTextFieldRound in Kivymd. I set theme.cls.primary_palette to Teal, and I want to set active color to accent color or lighter color of Teal. So I searched on Google and found many posts about teal color’s accent color. And I want to set color to 102,178,178,1 ( But when I use this code and run:

How do I use colorama inside a tuple?

I’m trying to change individual existing lines inside an existing tuple. Example: I want ID to be one color, Name, Age, Condition, Medicine, Temperament, and Adoptable to be a different color. I can’t figure out how to enter the escape codes for color inside the existing tuple. Help! Answer You need to prepend Fore.<COLOR> and preferably append Style.RESET_ALL to every

How to add a delay when saving video frames as images

I have a series of videos and I want to save frames from them as images. This is my code: This code works but unfortunately, it takes a frame at every millisecond. This is not something I want. Instead, I want to save a frame at every 5 or 10 seconds. I thought about adding a time delay but that
