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Optimizing a standard deviation function Pandas Numpy Python

The std pandas function below calculates the standard deviation of every nth value defined by number. So it would take the the values of PC_list with indexes [0,1,2,3,4,5] and calculate the standard deviation and then the indexes [1,2,3,4,5] and calculate the standard deviation until the end of PC_list. I am trying to optimize the code by trying to make it run faster even though it is very fast as of now I want to see as to how much more I could increase the performance by. Is there a way I could maybe increase the performance by using np.split to divide it into chunks or some other method that would decrease the runtime. The original PC_list has over 2.6 million arrays and it takes the std function about 150 ms to run, The current PC_list array is a portion of it.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

PC_list = np .array([417.88 417.88 418.24 417.88 418.6  418.6  418.6  418.6  418.6  418.75 418.75 418.75 418.75 418.56 418.56 419.19 418.95 419.19 419.38 419.38 419.43 418.75 418.57 419.31 419.51 416.08 416.   416.74 416.74 416.74 416.74 416.74 416.74 416.74 416.74 416.74 416.74 416.74 416.74 416.74 416.74 416.74 416.74 416.74 416.74 416.74 416.74 416.74 416.74 416.74])
number = 5
std= pd.Series(PC_list).rolling(number).std().dropna().to_numpy()



  • numpy is a pandas dependency, which is why pandas vectorized functions are so fast, but for little more speed, use @numba.njit as a function decorator.
  • Use numba to call the .std()
  • pandas User Guide: Enhancing Performance
    • As shown in the guide, numba requires numpy arrays from pandas.
  • Over the entire sample size range, using .std() with @numba.njit is 2.2x faster than .std() alone.
import numba
import numpy
import pandas as pd
from collections import defaultdict

def test(d):
    return d.std()

data = defaultdict(list)

for x in range(100, 596061):  # number of unique elements
    # create array
    a = np.random.rand(x, 1) * 1000
    # timeit for std with numba
    res1 = %timeit -r2 -n1 -q -o test(a)
    # timeit for std without numba
    res2 = %timeit -r2 -n1 -q -o a.std()


# create a dataframe from data
df = pd.DataFrame(data).iloc[1:, :]

# set the index
df.set_index('idx', inplace=True)

# calculate the rolling mean to smooth out the plot
df = df.rolling(1000).mean()

# calculate the difference
df['diff'] = df['std'] - df['std_numba']

# plot
ax = df.plot( xlabel='number of rows', ylabel='time (s)', figsize=(8, 6))

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