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Finding index in nested list

I am trying to create a function that will take as input a nested list and an item, and return a list of indices. For example list = [0, 5, [6, 8, [7, 3, 6]], 9, 10] and item = 7 should return [2, 2, 0], since list[2][2][0] = 7 my code should work since I can print the desires

How to hide Celery task id from structlog?

I used Structlog and Celery in my Django application and both work very well, but I would like to prevent task_id from appearing in the log when the worker executes tasks. How can I do that? The reason is that task_id is a key:value of 36 characters long so it makes log output hard to read. This is how my

Pycharm’s “stop” does not run finally code

I am running a python project in pycharm. In the code we have a main “try-catch-finally” block e.g. If I run the program in the terminal it will reach the finally block when I press our quit button or “ctrl-c” and perform the post processing required. However, after pressing “stop” when using the run tool in PyCharm it just quits

Get the direction an object’s axis is pointing in Maya

Using python I’m trying to confirm that a given transform node in Maya has it’s Y axis pointing up, Z axis pointing forward, and X axis pointing to the side, like in the picture below. The transform node might be a child to another transform node in a hierarchy of unknown depth. My first thought was to use xform rotate

Need help for running tkinter program

I am new to GUI programming so I don’t know why this is not working when I run this program it doesn’t open tkinter window so help me out,this is only running speech recognition program Answer Simply add root.mainloop() at the very end of the script. This is one of the must-haves when you make a script using Tkinter.
