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Tag: xpath

XPath Selector to get IMDB release Date

I am practicing using Xpath selectors, and it seems to be very difficult to extract the release date from this website. I can get to the div class=’txt-block’, but not past that. I am trying to the get the date underneath it. E.g. “18 July 2008 (USA)” I can get up to this part. But I cannot get the

“selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element” while clicking a ‘Next’ button with Selenium

I’m trying to click the Next button using Selenium, I’ve tried with the code below, but it ends in error. The element My code But then it outputs these errors: How can I click that button without errors? Answer This error message… …implies that the ChromeDriver was unable to locate the desired element. Locating the desired element As per the

Web scraping a text() in python

I am having trouble with a web scraping function. The XPath for the two things I am trying to get are The html is I am trying to have a function to loop through each li in tr[5]. The problem I am having is getting the text(). I have tried a number of different variations of this function This specific

How to find parent elements by python webdriver?

Is there any methods for python+selenium to find parent elements, brother elements, or child elements just like driver.find_element_parent? or driver.find_element_next? or driver.find_element_previous? eg: I’ve tried like below, but fail: How can I get the parent of input element and then, finally, get the option selected? Answer You can find a parent element by using .. xpath: What about making a
