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Tag: user-interface

Alternatives to Psychopy

Main question: I’m trying to build a brain-computer interface (BCI) experiment in Python that involves “high frequency” flashing (SSVEP), decision-making stimuli (P300), signal acquisition (EEG, with OpenBCI), and classifiers. I’ve been trying to use Psychopy toolbox for the interface part, but, unfortunately, it has been such a headache to make it work properly in parallel with the other processes on

How can I kill a thread with python

I am making a random number guessing game with GUI (Tkinter) and this comes up RuntimeError: threads can only be started once. I’m trying to kill the thread but I can’t find any way. Here’s the code: In the first function (main) is where I call the Thread and in the second function (process) is where I want to kill

How to write correctly PyQT5 event function

How can I correctly write the event function to pass from one QLineEdit to another one by pressing the enter key? I know how to do that in this way: Working Example Now i want to understand how to do the same with this code (i think that the problem is with super() and init but i don’t know why).

Need help for running tkinter program

I am new to GUI programming so I don’t know why this is not working when I run this program it doesn’t open tkinter window so help me out,this is only running speech recognition program Answer Simply add root.mainloop() at the very end of the script. This is one of the must-haves when you make a script using Tkinter.
