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Tag: urllib2

How do I pass a user-agent to panda’s pd.read_html()?

some websites automatically decline requests due to lack of user-agent, and it’s a hassle using bs4 to scrape many different types of tables. This issue was resolved before through this code: However urllib2 has been depreciated and urllib3 doesn’t have a build_opener() attribute, and I could not find an equivalent attribute either even though I’m sure it has one. Answer

Ubuntu 18.04 python 2.7 urllib request not getting data

I have this python script which works with no problem on ubuntu 16.04 But it wont get data in ubuntu 18.04, any idea what the problem could be? No errors. Output: Full code is here : Answer Since you’re using the Requests library, you should use it on each API. Requests provides a method to extract JSON, so you

Alternative of urllib.urlretrieve in Python 3.5

I am currently doing a course on machine learning in UDACITY . In there they have written some code in python 2.7 but as i am currently using python 3.5 , i am getting some error . This is the code I tried urllib.request . But still gives me error . I am using PyCharm as my IDE . Answer

python urllib2 and unicode

I would like to collect information from the results given by a search engine. But I can only write text instead of unicode in the query part. give this error Answer Encode the Unicode data to UTF-8, then URL-encode: Demo: Using urllib.urlencode() to build the parameters is easier, but you can also just escape the query value with urllib.quote_plus():

How do I catch a specific HTTP error in Python?

I have but what I end up is catching any kind of HTTP error. I want to catch only if the specified webpage doesn’t exist (404?). Answer Python 3 Python 2 Just catch HTTPError, handle it, and if it’s not Error 404, simply use raise to re-raise the exception. See the Python tutorial. Here is a complete example for Python
