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Tag: tkinter

How to get custom slider in tkinter?

I want to get a custom slider in tkinter or another slider like this one slider The default tkinter slider isn’t very good so how it can be changed ? (even the simplest way to do it) I will appreciate if the thing is not done with a class because I did’nt put a single one in 300 lines of

Conversion app to display the date and result

I have created a currency conversion app as users need to input the currency from, to and the amount required. I have successfully retrieved the data from the API, when I click the button the result label was shown all the data below rather than the date and result of the currency’s conversion. How could I display the date and

How do I get hex codes to work with tkinter text boxes? The regular colors like “red”, “yellow” etc works. But not hex

OS: Windows 10 This is my “texter”, it is used to print letter for letter at certain speeds. It takes the text to print, and a text color as arguments. This works perfectly if i write – texter(“Hello there”, “red”) However it stops working and only prints white text when I do something like – texter(“Hello there”, “orange2”) And “orange2”

how to get value from def function before

i got a problem to run the python, for example code in below, because the code not sure to see because i am beginner for this,and its too long too, i give the same problem on my code the problem is if i press the button for y1 not define so i writte the code but in my visual studio
