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Tag: tkinter

Rename the label in tkinter

I work with tkinter. I want to change the name of the labels. By entering the characters in the field and hitting the button, the labels are renamed one by one. That is, the first time I enter the character “Hello”, then that character is inserted in the label; It is then removed from the field. This time I have

deleting a label after a given time period

I am trying to delete a label after a given time period but I am getting an error which I understand here’s the code which is giving the error and heres the error how can I delete the label ?? Answer As the error said, the label has already been destroyed when update() is triggered/executed by .after(). So you should

I cannot redirect in tkinter program

My aim is to open on the same window when the button is pressed. But when I run the program, it opens in 2 windows at the same time. I want it to open when the button is pressed. How can I do it? Answer Your Problem is pretty easy. you cant do twice Tk() in your code and any

Treeview heading off by one column?

I cannot for the life of me find any post or documentation that explains why the Treeview heading is off by one column from the rest of the data. Even the documentation I found shows this issue in an example but does not describe the issue. As you can see the headings are off by one column. I cannot figure

pyinstaller makes an empty black window of my tkinter gui

For a very simple example, consider the following code which produces a window like so: After running pyinstaller –onefile –noconsole (the name of the code file is, I obtain, in the dist folder a bundle file (the app) which, when run, gives me the following: The menu works just normally (that’s the reason for which I included it;
