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Tag: text

Import text file into csv file

I am new in Python and looking to change text data in csv data, where column contains id, sequence, createdAt, and createdBy? Text File [{“id”:1,”sequence”:14,”createdAt”:”2021-03-04xx:x:x”,”createdBy”:”xxxxxxxxxxxx”}}, {“id”:2,”sequence”:14,”createdAt”:”2021-03-04Txx:x:x”,”createdBy”:”xxxxxxxxxxxx”}}, {“id”:3,”sequence”:14,”createdAt”:”2021-03-04Txx:x:x”,”createdBy”:”xxxxxxxxxxxx”}}] Result My results looks like image Answer Input Data Set appears to be JSON structure I’d recommend csvkit Specifically , module in2csv – very powerful Alternatively – use pandas read_json – this

Creating a Dictionary from a Text File in Python

I found a few other posts regarding this topic, but I’m having issues getting it to work for my instance; I am relatively new to Python so I apologize. Below is an example of the first few lines of a txt file that I have: Every value is separated by a space and I want to create keys for each

Delete text from Canvas, after some time (tkinter)

I need to remove text from canvas after some time. I tried this: Result: It does not even appear the text. And this: Not working too. Please help, I looked almost everywhere and I didn’t find how to do that. Answer You have to give after a reference to a function. The way you’re doing it is immediately calling the

How to remove text in a list at each index

I have a list similar to: I need to modify the list to remove the first numbers only and display the list so that after each comma there is a new line. The expected output would be: I tried many codes but I’m lost now and don’t know how to arrive to my desired output. Answer One way would be

Python how to read() and convert to __int__

I have a text file that contains the XP of the player in it. Every time the game starts: , so that the XP of the player sets to the only item in the file. And at the end of the file (around pygame.quit()) it has this code: But whenever I try to do XP += (some number) in my

Split CSV values on single row into individual rows

I have a Python script that outputs a text file with thousands of random filenames in a comma separated list, all on a single row. I want to take each value in the list and put it into its own row in a new CSV file. I’ve tried some variations of awk with no success. What’s the best way to
