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Tag: text-extraction

Extract Number of pages from a text column

I have a text column which contains comments like: 6 pages, LaTeX, no figures 19 pages, latex, 4 figures as uuencoded postscript files Invited Talk at the “VII Marcel Grossman Meeting on General Relativity” – Stanford, July 1994. 14 pages, latex, five figures, which will be available upon request. 15 pp. Phyzzx I am looking to extract the number of

pdfplumber | Extract text from dynamic column layouts

Attempted Solution at bottom of post. I have near-working code that extracts the sentence containing a phrase, across multiple lines. However, some pages have columns. So respective outputs are incorrect; where separate texts are wrongly merged together as a bad sentence. This problem has been addressed in the following posts: Solution 1 Solution 2 Question: How do I “if-condition” whether

python: print a single column using field separator

I am beginner with python. From a log, I want with a python to extract only the hostname that are located in the middle of each line line ( between “command_wrappers INFO:” and “: pg_receivewal: switched to timeline”) in order to lauch a command to each of thoses servers. Here are the lines of the log: Here is the result

Why does this pandas str.extract pattern work?

I have a dataframe “movies” with column “title”, which contains movie titles and their release year in the following format: The Pirates (2014) I’m testing different ways to extract just the title portion, which in the example above would be “The Pirates”, into a new column. I used pandas Series.str.extract() and found a regex pattern that works, but I’m not
