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Tag: tensorflow

Keras and Tensorflow OS resource requirement

I keep getting F tensorflow/core/platform/default/] Check failed: ret == 0 (11 vs. 0)Thread tf_data_private_threadpool creation via pthread_create() failed. errors during training, although the machine is quite powerful: altogether 64 logical cores ulimit -s gives 32768, ulimit -u gives 1030608 I want to train the following network with a bunch of online generated 512*512 grayscale images along with two additional parameters

Install Donkey car Python TensorFlow – Raspberry Pi

use Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 2GB Raspbian BULLSEYE (DEBIAN 11) ARMV71 package name “2022-04-04-raspios-bullseye-armhf-full” i try Install Donkeycar Python Code from official website when I enter installation code Error: donkeycar tensorflow-2.2.0-cp37-none-linux_armv7l.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform. Answer If you run the 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS you can install Tensorflow in the standard way – pip3 install

layer.get_weights() is not equal in the same model layers

Why not all the layer weights equal: Here is the output: The a_weights == b_weights are not all the “True”. What’s the problem? Answer Notice that the only time a_weights == b_weights is True, is when you are referencing a layer, which does not have any weights. np.array_equal is returning False because you are actually comparing lists of arrays and

Adam Optimizer Not Working on cost function

I wanted to make own neural network for MNIST data set and for that using tensorflow i am writing the code imported library and dataset then done one hot encoding and after all done the weights and baises assignment and then done the forward propagation with the random values and for back propagation and cost minimization used a loss function

ValueError: Classification metrics unable to handle multiclass

I am trying to build a object classification model, but when trying to print out the classification report it returned a value error. ValueError: Classification metrics can’t handle a mix of multiclass and continuous-multioutput targets This is my current code: However, when I attempt to print out the classification report, it ran into this error: Answer Your problem is caused
