I just installed the latest version of Tensorflow via pip install tensorflow and whenever I run a program, I get the log message: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:55] Could not load dynamic library ‘cudart64_101.dll’; dlerror: cudart64_101.dll not found Is this bad? How do I fix the error? Answer Tensorflow 2.1+ What’s going on? With the new Tensorflow 2.1 release, the default tensorflow pip
Tag: tensorflow
Tensorflow reading data from AWS s3 bucket
I want to stream my data files from an AWS s3 bucket. I’m following the setup described here, but using tensorflow 2. The setup specifies that you can use a AWS configuration file in ~/.aws/credentials, but I also tried using the environment variables. However the smoke test below keeps giving the following error tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.UnimplementedError: File system scheme ‘s3’ not implemented.
Missing module tensorflow on iPython azure machine learning (Classic)
Yesterday I have install tensorflow module from iPython notebook from Azure machine learning studio (classic) version. The import worked well after installing the module using (!pip install tensorflow). But today when tried to import this module got this “missing module” error and when I tried reinstalling the module it works well. Am I missing anything here? Do I need to
Convert Tensorflow 1.0 code into 2.0 version
I am facing issue while converting my tensorflow 1.0 code into 2.0 I can convert successful this version 1 Version 2 This is the code below which i am having issue please help me out how can i build NN in tensorflow 2 version Answer I could not understand your question properly (i.e what is version 1 and version 2
tensorflow error when installing turicreate?
When I install turicreate package, it gives me the following error: which I encountered the same when installing tensorflow 2.0.0. And I managed to install tensorflow2 with modification to the version(add a ‘a0′,’b0′,’b1’ after ‘2.0.0’) using pip3 install tensorflow==2.0.0a0. However, I still cannot pass the installation of turicreate even with tensorflow2.0.0a0 installed and result in the same ‘tensorflow error’ shown
What is the difference between tf-nightly and tensorflow in PyPI?
What is the difference between tf-nightly and tensorflow in PyPI? Which one is reliable? https://pypi.org/project/tf-nightly/ https://pypi.org/project/tensorflow/ Answer Just to add to what Ben Souchet wrote: As its name suggests, the tf-nightly pip package is built and released to PyPI every night (barring any build failures, which happens rarely). As a result, you can see an almost once-per-day version update history.
How to fix “ResourceExhaustedError: OOM when allocating tensor”
I wanna make a model with multiple inputs. So, I try to build a model like this. and the summary : _ But, when i try to train this model, the problem happens…. : Thanks for reading and hopefully helping me :) Answer OOM stands for “out of memory”. Your GPU is running out of memory, so it can’t allocate
How to use Model.fit which supports generators (after fit_generator deprecation)
I have got this deprecation warning while using Model.fit_generator in tensorflow: How can I use Model.fit instead of Model.fit_generator? Answer Model.fit_generator is deprecated starting from tensorflow 2.1.0 which is currently is in rc1. You can find the documentation for tf-2.1.0-rc1 here: https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/r2.1/api_docs/python/tf/keras/Model#fit As you can see the first argument of the Model.fit can take a generator so just pass it
CUDA Error: out of memory – Python process utilizes all GPU memory
Even after rebooting the machine, there is >95% of GPU Memory used by python3 process (system-wide interpreter). Note that memory consumption keeps even if there are no running training scripts, and I’ve never used keras/tensorflow in the system environment, only with venv or in docker container. UPDATED: The last activity was the execution of NN test script with the following
Cannot pickle Tensorflow object in Python – TypeError: can’t pickle _thread._local objects
I want to pickle the history object after running a keras fit on tensorflow. But I am getting an error. It gives me the following error: PS: To get the code to run, download the fashion_mnist data: https://s3.amazonaws.com/img-datasets/mnist.pkl.g Answer As Karl suggested, the history object cannot be pickled. But it’s dictionary can: