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Tag: sympy

How to Plot Implicit Equation in Python

I want to Plot V(y axis) vs t(x axis) graph using the below equation at 5 different values of L(shown below) L= [5,10,15,20,25] b=0.0032 Equation, (b*V*0.277*t) – (b*L) = log(1+b*V*0.277*t) code output will be as shown in figure Expected Outcome Answer While sympy exposes the plot_implicit function, the results are far from good. We can use Numpy and Matplotlib to

How to Make Coordinates on Sympy Cartesian Graph

I’ve browsed everywhere but there is no answer that can be used as a reference for making coordinates on a sympy python Cartesian graph. Here and here I’ve studied but still can’t solve the problem I found in my code. I want a = 1 and b = 3 to be connected to the x and y axes. Any help

Summation of a product of a function and a vector in Sympy

I want to use the following expression in sympy. For example I tried this sympy code, but an error has occurred. How can I manage this? (How to use Symbol’s value as an index of Matrix?) Answer You can use symbolic indices with a matrix but you need to use double indices:

Solving for an unknown variable in python

I’m currently trying to create a body mass index calculator that gives you your BMI and then calculates the difference in weight needed to be at a healthy weight. The equation I’m using to find the BMI is: Using sympy, I’m trying to find how many pounds need to be gained or lost to be within the 19-24 BMI range.

How to pass args to sympy.lambdify

This is a more precise version of this question where the comments said my minimal reproducible code was too minimal, so with more information: I want to evaluate an Expression without having to pass the symbols along separately. My current workaround is this: This works. My problem is that expr.free_symbols is a set (which doesn’t maintain order), so casting it

solving single variable two sided equation in sympy

Can anyone advise on why the below code using Sympy would error with ‘Add’ object is not callable? I am trying to solve a simple single variable linear expression. It can be solved by hand and Wolfram Alpha gives a solution for ‘y’. Not sure how else to input it into Sympy. I might be less well versed in math

Substitute the variables of a polynomial with caracas (Sympy)

I have a long polynomial in four variables x, y, z, w: I’m working with R. I want to use the caracas package (a wrapper of Sympy) to get this expression as a polynomial after doing a change of variables. Namely, I want to substitue x, y, z and w by respectively. I tried subs with no luck. Here is
